Hello, sweet friend!
I’m Blair.


I am a wife, a mom to two handsome boys, and a lover of words. I have a Master’s degree in clinical counseling. Though I don’t get paid to use my degree, I use it every single day in this wild household of ours. 

Motherhood was not something that came easy to me even though I know that God wove it into the very fabric of my being. Since becoming a mom I have dealt with crippling anxiety, have watched my son undergo a full heart transplant, constantly compared myself to other women, and pushed myself too hard. 

I am not a theology major, a parenting expert, or an influencer. I admire the women who are able to dismantle and untangle God’s truths for me. I need them but I am not them. I desperately search for moms who can tell me how to get my kids to sleep and what first foods I should try, but I am not them. I love products, clothes, and all the things… but you probably don’t want my take on that.

I have a heart and mind in constant battle, a mouth that often time gets me into trouble, and medication in my bathroom that helps me keep the anxiety under control. I am not always proud of these things but I will not pretend to be someone I am not. 

I wonder if there are other women out there who fall on their knees at night thinking what they are doing will never be enough. Wondering if we have to walk prim and proper through this life for Jesus to love us? In my experience, I have found that the answer is no.

So welcome to a place of solace. A place where I hope these words will be a salve for your wounds. Stick with me, walk through the pain, and heal the way you need to. Struggle with your faith just as Jacob did, just as David did, just as Martha did. And learn with me, that God will always lead you back if you let Him.

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